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Hope for a life that’s more alive

I had a major falling apart of my old life in my 40s.  I feared the worst.  And yet despite all the pain, rage and fear; another part of me came alive.  Strongly, deeply, vibrantly alive. The harder things were, the more I was thrust into birthing the new me, which unexpectedly included training as a therapist.  


This experience helps me to support others who are going through breakdowns and major life transitions; holding faith that something more is to come.


Being LGBTQ and welcoming all

I’ve been queer (well, gay/dyke/lesbian) for over 40 years now, and identify as a cis woman. I’ve lived through a lot of changes in this LGBTQ community.  I notice the same themes across the years that pull us in different directions.  


We can be hard on ourselves in the LGBTQ world as we are trying so honourably to find a different way which isn’t oppressive.  And we can feel anxious and vulnerable around getting things wrong. 


We can also feel a powerful draw to being true to ourselves which can be liberating. 


I am now at a place in my life where I find my heart has expanded to the many different ways we have of living and loving, and I have grown more tolerance of not getting it right.  


I welcome people who aren’t sure if they are queer enough, or worried about saying the wrong thing.


I also welcome straight people who may wonder about belonging.


Parents doing our best

I have spent most of my working life providing support to families in local government and the voluntary sector. I’m also a parent which gives me a great deal of compassion for parents who are all doing their best with limited resources.


​​I'm aware of the complexities that we navigate as best we can – blended families, single parents, inter-racial families, religious and cultural challenges, financial and time pressures - and then wondering why you're not coping when everyone else seems to be.  â€‹

I will not tell you what to do, I will give space to explore whatever is going on for you, so that you can find ways forward that work for you.​​

Sex and relationship styles​

My specialist training means I am comfortable talking about sex, sexuality and relationship styles if you find you want to look at these.


​I have a particular interest in working with people who are adult virgins or think they may be asexual, or whose sexual interest changes at times including menopause. There's pressure to conform, to aspire to a sexual relationship with one person and have children. You may yearn for that.  You may not.  You may wonder who you are, and how to be you.


Therapy with me is a space to explore what's happening with no pressure on outcomes.


​My experience and training

I am a registered and accredited counsellor with the BACP, with additional qualifications in working with sex and with LGBTQ people.  I am currently undergoing further deeper training as a transpersonal psychotherapist with Re-Vision.


I have been working in private practice since 2018 where I see people on the widest range of issues that life brings. Previously I worked and volunteered as a counsellor in two LGBTQ counselling organisations: ELOP and MindOut.


Training & qualifications​
  • Currently studying Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapy – Re-Vision

  • Diploma in Gestalt Counselling - Gestalt Centre - Gestalt Centre 

  • Certificate in Counselling - Gestalt Centre 

  • Year long certificate in Psychosexual Health - Centre for Psychosexual Health 

  • Advanced Accreditation Gender Sex and Relationship Diversity Therapist – Pink Therapy 

  • Certificate in Online & Telephone Counselling – Counselling Tutor 

  • Racism Awareness – various 

  • Neurodivergence - various

  • Working with Trans and Non-binary people – Gendered Intelligence 

  • Conscious sex and somatic psychosexual work– various Psychosexual trainings – Spectrum Therapy Centre, Tavistock Relationships, Barbara Carellas, Psychosexual Somatics Therapy.

  • Coaching & Mentoring - Level 7 ILM

  • MA in Managing Information Services - London Met

  • Maths & Economics - LSE

BACP Accredited Member

© 2024 Deirdre MacGinley

Advanced Accreditation LGBTQ
Online Therapist
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